Tinea Corporis, commonly known as Ringworm, is actually not a worm, but rather a fungus.
It can spread from person to person and is generally contracted by exposure to the fungus in soil or from an infected animal. Cats are the most common animal carriers; but dogs, cows, horses, and other farm animals can spread the infection to humans as well. When a person touches either an infected animal or any items that come in direct contact with the animal (such as bedding, grooming items, saddles, etc.), that person can become infected as well. What follows is usually red, scaly, and itchy patches on the skin that often develop into a ring-like appearance.
How To Keep From Getting It Again
The best treatment for ringworm is Formula7®Formula3® or FungiFoam®. After that, simply maintain proper hygiene, always washing your hands thoroughly and refraining from sharing things like hairbrushes, hats, or other clothing articles. Be sure to shower regularly after participating in any sport where there is skin-to-skin contact, such as wrestling. Also, make certain to dry your skin completely after showering. Use of either Formula7®, Formula3® or FungiFoam® will prevent the recurrence of ringworm with daily use.
Finally, if you contract ringworm from an infected animal, be sure to have the animal treated by a veterinarian to prevent reoccurrence.
Because it is critical that any infection is properly and correctly diagnosed by a physician, we only make Formula7®Formula3® or FungiFoam® available at your doctor’s office.