Tetra Tips: In Office Dispensing, State by State

At The Tetra Corporation, our products are not Rx drugs; they’re manufactured and labeled for OTC sale. That said, we choose to exclusively sell our products through medical offices with a DEA-licensed health care professional in residence. Our goal is to support physician-sponsored medicine by directing patients to their doctor’s office for the medications they need, so with that in mind, we’ve put together a guide to in-office dispensing below, with the benefits laid out and the requirements clarified. Read on to learn how your patients and your practice can benefit!

Heping Patients, Supporting Practices

There are 3 core ways to increase practice revenue:

  1. Increase the number of patients
  2. Increase the number of office visits
  3. Boost the value of each individual visit

In a perfect world, we could increase all three. However, if your patient load is at capacity and your visit frequency is hemmed in by third-party insurer approvals, then in-office dispensing becomes your one truly independent income stream – and the best way to boost value per visit.

Your patients will have plenty to be pleased about, too:

  • In-office dispensing provides one-stop convenience, a major draw for patients.
  • A well-stocked office ensures that patients will leave with the prescribed treatment, and fewer links in the chain mean a higher chance that therapy will begin promptly.
  • Patients appreciate accessing treatment that’s directly connected to their reason for making the appointment; they don’t need to wait as long for relief!

How Will In-Office Dispensing Work in Your State?

Since The Tetra Corporation does not sell directly to pharmacies, retail stores, or consumers online, we’ve provided a complete state-by-state list that lays out the basics of how physician dispensing works. Check out the graphic below for a complete breakdown of restrictions (or lack thereof). By doing so, you’ll be better prepared to take control of your dispensing and improve patient outcomes, too.

Please Note: New York limits physician dispensing to a 72-hour supply unless the physician is located more than 10 miles from a licensed pharmacy. Fees are limited by requiring the originator NDC for repackaged medications and using the appropriate pharmacy fee schedule.

Want to learn more about our history or the products we provide? You can find all kinds of useful information on our website, from a physician’s portal to patient education materials.

The Tetra Corporation has been creating pioneering healthcare products for over three decades, helping physicians add value to their practices while improving patient outcomes. As a trusted provider of efficient and reliable treatments dispensed exclusively through medical doctors, we add both value and innovative treatment options to any practice we work with. Interested in learning more about our products? Contact us online or by calling customer service at 800-826-0479! You can also visit our brand-new website.